Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag behaviorist

No One is Safe From the Demonic Clutches When Evil Lurks…

Have you ever found yourself so deeply engrossed in a movie, to the point where you’re compelled to offer guidance to the characters? And I’m not talking about casual advice — I mean the kind of counsel you reserve for… Continue Reading →

Murder is So 1987 in Amazon Prime’s Totally Killer

It’s no surprise that I have a deep affection for horror movies. Whether there’s an axe-wielding maniac, a chainsaw-swinging mutant or anything filled with blood and gore, it’s safe to say I’m a delighted viewer (and not the Camp Crystal… Continue Reading →

What Actually Happened at The Devil’s Academy?

During a time long before security cameras within high schools became a reality, the Miami Aerospace Academy incident of October 25th, 1979, still haunts many. What really happened that fateful day? Was it a demonic infestation, mass hysteria or something… Continue Reading →

Snoop, Shatner and a Sharknado Reunion Spotlight Shark Week ’21

Per Matt Still drying off from the splash zone of Discovery’s Shark Week, the 2021 edition dove to new depths for highlights galore. But before discussing the new, let’s swim with the fishes of the network’s offerings of yesteryear.

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