Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Chapter 1 Reintroduces The Strangers’ Horrors

Navigating prequels can be a tricky business venture. On one hand, you’re dealing with already-established characters, while placing them in new situations. Their audience awareness was high enough that a production company decided to invest more money into telling their… Continue Reading →

Nashville Film Festival Shorts and Spirit Halloween: The Movie

It’s the first day of October and that means it’s an all-new day at the Nashville Film Festival… so it’s time to watch some all-new entertainment! Matt takes a look at the short films Shedding Angels, OST. and Night of… Continue Reading →

The Wind Blows Chills Down Your Spine

There’s something about horror films taking place in the pioneer days that just makes them all the more creepy. It could be that you know the victims are truly cut off from society, with only those in their general vicinity… Continue Reading →

Monster Mountain: The Peak of Terror in Tennessee

Oh, October. How I have missed you! In my world, haunting and horror is a year-round passion. There is something special about this time of year. Trees start changing color. There is a chill in the air. And all the… Continue Reading →

Ghost Adventures Haunts The Bell Witch Cave

After 10 seasons, the Ghost Adventures Crew finally visited the Bell Witch Cave.

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