Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Canada Film Capital

The Predator Franchise Should Rest In Peace

It’s been a long time since Schwarzenegger hollered, “Get to da choppa!” And sadly, out of the six movies the species has starred in, the first movie of the Predator Universe is still the best.

The Hunting of Man

“Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man and those who have hunted armed men long enough and like it, never really care for anything else thereafter.” Ernest Hemingway wrote that. I’m sure the Predator would agree.

The Nun vs. The Predator

I thought seeing The Nun would be great, but now we have another contender for scary movie of the moment: The Predator. Is it just me or do they think that when they put “THE” in front of their title,… Continue Reading →

Riverdale Makes a Big Splash for CW

The names Archie and Jughead typically symbolize a small-town Americana that is eternally set in the 1950s, but in CW’s sleeper hit, Riverdale, Archie and the gang are reimagined as a present-day masterpiece. As much as I didn’t want to love… Continue Reading →

American Gods: The Devil’s in the Details (But Not in The Bone Orchard)

Here’s a question: How do you convert a character created in a written medium to one expressed in a visual medium? How do you adapt to this new medium if the character is known to be quiet and reserved, to… Continue Reading →

Why You Should Read American Gods Right Now

“All your questions can be answered, if that is what you want. But once you learn your answers, you can never unlearn them.”  ― Neil Gaiman, American Gods Chances are that if you keep up with this blog, then you also… Continue Reading →

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