Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Captain Kirk

Star Trek: Picard Isn’t Bold Enough

As a teenager in high school, my nights typically were a toss-up of video games, band practice or some RPG action within the Star Wars Universe. One night, I turned to our local Fox channel, hoping for something like Tales… Continue Reading →

My Guilty Pleasure: Hell or High Water

Per Matt Well deserved or not, the heist genre has received a lot of criticism throughout the years (most recently from Rick and Morty). Implementing the double cross can be tricky business, especially when the screenwriter’s attempts at maintaining reality… Continue Reading →

Previewing MTAC 16-Bit

The Middle Tennessee Anime Convention returns for its 16th-year anniversary on Friday, March 25 through Sunday the 27th, so attendees can expect a large celebration of anime, manga, popular arts and Japanese culture at the event.

The 2013 Academy Awards – From A Geek’s Perspective

Well, well, well. The 2013 Academy Awards have come and gone. And what may we have learned from the broadcast?

Star Trek: Crew Member’s Exploration Pack

Recently, I happened to catch the climax of Star Trek: Generations on late-night cable. Thinking back, I remembered the first time I saw this movie, and how I was saddened by the uneventful death of the great James Tiberius Kirk… Continue Reading →

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