Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag chance encounter

Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction? You Decide!

Ever since the early days of reality TV, paranormal programming has been a hit. Viewers spend just about the same amount of time squinting at the always-fuzzy videos taken in hopes of deciphering a UFO, a cryptid or something even… Continue Reading →

American Werewolves Poses the Question: Do Werewolves Exist?

Werewolves have always fascinated me. When I was in my pre-teens, I remember finding a book at my school’s book fair called, Meet the Werewolf. This book explained the ins and outs of lycanthropy, the condition that turns humans into… Continue Reading →

Hulu’s Fresh Brings New Meaning to “Dinner Date”

Take it from me: Trying to find someone special is extremely hard after 40. Ever since my divorce, I have done almost everything I have been told I should be doing to get my dating life back on track. I… Continue Reading →

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