Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Christopher Abbott

Technology Goes Dark and Bloody in Possessor

We live in a world that both owns and is owned by technology. Everywhere you look, tech controls so much. Think about your day, today. When you woke up, you were probably awakened by either your smartphone or smart clock…. Continue Reading →

Ryan Gosling (and Damien Chazelle) Aim for the Moon in First Man

Per Matt First Man is being hyped as a critically acclaimed movie that depicts Neil Armstrong’s fated journey in becoming the first man to walk on the moon, but it’s really just a complicated tale about a man who overcomes… Continue Reading →

Beyond the Red Door: It Comes at Night

After seeing the teaser trailer for It Comes at Night, I had a bet going with my fiance. I thought that it would be a Zombie movie. She was leaning more toward psycho/isolationist killer. We both agreed that it would… Continue Reading →

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