Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Paperbacks From Hell is a Killer Read

Per Matt Growing up, long before dial-up modems were a thing and the internet was confined to the military’s ARPANET, the only way to access the information superhighway was by visiting the neighborhood drug store, grocery store and bookstore, where… Continue Reading →

Hail to the King, Baby. Radical Arts Rocks Evil Dead: The Musical

Evil Dead: The Musical has become, hands down, my favorite musical performance over the last few years. I’ve been fortunate enough to experience this incredible show three of the last four years and it just keeps getting better every freaking… Continue Reading →

Sex, Blood and Music? An Interview With the Cast of Radical Arts’ Evil Dead: The Musical

I’ve been a Deadite since I was 12. A Deadite, for those unfamiliar with The Evil Dead series, is a fan. It’s sort of like being a Juggalo, but without the social stigma or being on an FBI watch list.

Ash vs. Evil Dead Season 2 or How Ash Gets His Groovy Back

When we last left our fearless threesome (Ash, Kelly and Pablo), Ruby (mother of demons) had gained control of the Necronomicon and Pablo gave birth to her children out of his mouth. Demon children.

Luke Cage: From Blaxploitation Comic to Streaming Screen

Luke Cage stars in his own series on Netflix, but it’s worth exploring the character’s comic book history as a preview of where the TV show may be going.

Quentin Tarantino and The Hateful Eight

Quentin Tarantino’s 8th film, The Hateful Eight, follows in the same genre as his last film. Moreover, this is the third film in a row that the Oscar-winning director has chosen to use a non-contemporary setting. It makes sense that… Continue Reading →

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