Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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I Was Not Prepared for Shudder’s The Sadness

Very few movies that I have ever seen have shocked me. And I watch a lot of films. I have seen blood, mayhem and carnage play out on the silver screen, much like the rest of you. For a while,… Continue Reading →

My Guilty Pleasure: Blood Fest

Are horror fans really afraid of the dark? More importantly, would they be able to accurately follow the rules of the genre in order to survive homicidal maniacs, vampires, killer clowns and Zombies on the prowl for blood? Fandoms, pop-culture… Continue Reading →

Don’t Breathe: A Reflection of Fear in Society

Looking back on any given movie of a certain time period is a good way to discover the values that society had held during that time. Moreover, horror movies, in particular, have displayed common allegories that give clues into the… Continue Reading →

This Thingy or That Thingy?

You wouldn’t think that a movie titled The Thingy: Confessions of a Teenage Placenta would be tame enough to be boring. Well, you would be wrong.

Cemetery Punishment Freaks out JV Football Team

Re-posted from MARCELLUS, N.Y. —  The coach of a junior varsity football team has been suspended for making his players lie down in a central New York cemetery in an effort to motivate them after a loss. The superintendent… Continue Reading →

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