Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag DC Trinity

Elena Satine is a Superhero for the Pop-Culture Crowd

You may recognize her from roles appearing in Smallville, NCIS, 24: Legacy, the recent Twin Peaks reboot or Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. She’s even appeared in a Spider-Man workshop on Broadway and Chris Cornell’s video short, among other formats, but… Continue Reading →

Justice League: The Rise of Justice, Heroes and DC has Begun!

There are Justice League spoilers ahead. I’m giving you fair warning right now: There will be spoilers. I’ve tried writing this as spoiler free as possible, but some elements are going to crop up. So, if you’re afraid that one… Continue Reading →

Wonder Woman and the Culture of the Female Superhero

When you think of the typical comic book reader, you probably imagine young white males. Many of comic books’ greatest creative minds have demographically been white men, as well. Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Frank Miller and Alan Moore are all… Continue Reading →

Wonder Woman: No Promotion for the Amazonian Warrior

Wonder Woman’s solo movie is being released on June 2, 2017. Raise your hand if you knew that’s the date it’s coming coming out. Most of the geek fandom probably knows that. But what about the rest of the public?… Continue Reading →


In a race against time to shine the mainstream spotlight on more female superheroes, Berlanti Productions and Warner Bros. Television have teamed up to create Supergirl, the first modern-day TV series featuring a superheroine.

Justice League: Gods and Monsters

In an alternate reality, the Justice League is considered a group of terrorists who are not only feared by evildoers, but also the entire population at large. Wonder Woman is a New God who fled to Earth after Darkseid’s entire… Continue Reading →

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