It’s the end of the world and destruction sells. Let’s face it, in 2020, after already experiencing so many disasters, what else can you expect from an all-new television series debuting this year? As just about every unusual event seems… Continue Reading →
Per Matt Gamers have gotten a bad rap throughout the years via feature films (and through a variety of TV shows). It takes all kinds of people to make up any sort of generic category, and I contend that you’ll… Continue Reading →
Per Matt A lot can be accomplished within 50 years, and when you’re dealing with the space race, rushing to beat a rival country to land on the moon, time is money with humanity waiting on the outcome. Apollo: The… Continue Reading →
Doomsday Caught on Camera
It’s the end of the world and destruction sells. Let’s face it, in 2020, after already experiencing so many disasters, what else can you expect from an all-new television series debuting this year? As just about every unusual event seems… Continue Reading →