Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag death cult

Fear Street Conjures Up Scream Franchise Vibes

Per Matt Retro-styled horror movies are all the craze these days. That’s probably the main reason why I enjoyed watching Fear Street Part 1: 1994, which was recently released on Netflix.

My Guilty Pleasure: Zombie

Per Matt It somehow seems appropriate to finally watch Zombie while there’s an ongoing worldwide pandemic. Frankly, I’m shocked I didn’t know more about the resulting pop-culture affects of the undead cult classic, which was released way back in 1979…. Continue Reading →

Family Ties Bring Out the Best of Final Space

Through 15 episodes, Final Space has created bizarre situations for its characters, along with some pretty good laughs, but the animated galactic sci-fi show shines when it deals with family ties. In fact, its sad episodes are much more effective… Continue Reading →

Child’s Play (2019) Brings Me To Tears

For the better part of the 41 years I have been alive, there has been one toy that’s very name inspires fear and disgust. A figure that started out with an unholy act of possession by a serial killer, evolving… Continue Reading →

Paperbacks From Hell is a Killer Read

Per Matt Growing up, long before dial-up modems were a thing and the internet was confined to the military’s ARPANET, the only way to access the information superhighway was by visiting the neighborhood drug store, grocery store and bookstore, where… Continue Reading →

Deadly Class is Highly Addictive

It’s retro, full of punk rock and attitude… the ’80s never looked so good! Deadly Class has been highly addictive to watch throughout its first season, as the show tells the tale of a homeless teenager attending a prestigious school… Continue Reading →

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