Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag District 9

James Cameron Explores Science Fiction (Among Other Genres)

Remember back in the day when people actually bought DVDs, which highlighted incredible supplemental behind-the-scenes documentaries that explored related topics to their subject matter? Those were the best! Clearly I’m not a big collector, as I haven’t bought a DVD… Continue Reading →

Geek Culture and the New Era of Oscars

In less than a week, the 89th Academy Awards will commence. For the everyday moviegoer, the Oscars have commemorated a selection of niche films until recently. Though, often, art-house movies come away with the top awards, relatively popular movies clean… Continue Reading →

Redbox Rental: Halo 4 – Forward Unto Dawn

I’ve played the majority of the Halo games, from Halo: Combat Evolved through Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary (minus Halo Wars), and I’m already hyped to play Halo 4. I’d seen some of the pre-release vignettes and they sparked my interest…. Continue Reading →

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