Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag dungeon

Pandemonium Offers a Glimpse Into Hell

Contemplating the mysteries of life after death evokes a profound curiosity within me, stirring questions that linger on the boundaries of human understanding. Do we swiftly journey to realms of heaven or hell, as some believe, our fate determined by… Continue Reading →

Jason Hawes Explores the Most Terrifying Locations

I’m all about good ghost stories. I mean, I love them! Having grown up (and returned to live in) a house that’s almost 200 years old that includes several graves of its previous inhabitants located within jumping distance of my… Continue Reading →

Video Game Throwback: Maniac Mansion

While it’s around Halloween and we all start watching DansGaming or check Steam for some killer deals (no pun intended) on horror games, I figured I’d go back to one of the first horror-adventure games I played as a child… Continue Reading →

Beware Voodoo Village

As a kid, I read lots of National Geographic magazines. I loved the articles about ancient ruins and ghost towns. There was a certain arcane and magical charm that I saw in those decaying structures. It was easy to picture… Continue Reading →

Ghosts of the South in Charleston, SC

There’s a certain charm that comes from visiting the Deep South in the spring and summer. The air is thick, humid and full of the aromas of fried foods and blooming flowers. Kudzu and Spanish moss wage war with one… Continue Reading →

Final Fantasy Record Keeper: A Walk Down Memory Lane

Final Fantasy. Few video games reach an epic status where each game in the series conjures up vivid memories of consoles of yore. Ask any gamer of the last 25 years and they’ll have their own emotional moment from the… Continue Reading →

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