Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag film franchise

Bumblebee: Too Much, Too Late?

It only took a little more than a decade to get a Transformers film for true fans and wider audiences, alike. The new film, Bumblebee, is a joy from start to finish, but is it too late to pile on… Continue Reading →

Joe’s Five Favorite Films of 2018

Superhero movies, thrilling horror films, actually funny comedies, soft reboots and sequels — 2018 was a good year for movies. I think my stack of ticket stubs from theaters is much larger compared to any of the past few years.

Anime Series Aims to Give Blade Runner Franchise a New Life

We may not be getting another Blade Runner movie anytime soon, but we will be returning to the world of replicants in the form of an anime series in the near future. No release date yet, but when it airs,… Continue Reading →

The Wizarding World Expands With Grindelwald’s Crimes

There are Harry Potter fans and there are Harry Potter FANATICS. Call me a fan. There are some who are experts and can name every single member of every famous family, and then there are those who enjoy the books… Continue Reading →

Movies in the Spirit of Halloween

There are friends I know who wait all year to watch Halloween movies the same way some people wait to watch Christmas movies. I’m not just talking about scary movies — although Scary Movie does take place at Halloween. I’m… Continue Reading →

Halloween Turns 40 (And Doesn’t Miss a Bloody Beat)

Per Matt 40 years have not been kind to Laurie Strode.

High Hopes for FearFest 2018

FearFest is here, which means Halloween must be near.

Michael Myers Medley

The Michael Myers series of horror movies began in the 1970s. For horror buffs, we were in heaven. Slashing and stabbing became an art. Now we have a resurrection of the Michael Myers franchise, because after all, you could put… Continue Reading →

Upcoming Halloween Screening Brings Horror to the Season

Jamie Lee Curtis, John Carpenter and Michael Myers reunite once more for another round of Halloween terror!

The Hunting of Man

“Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man and those who have hunted armed men long enough and like it, never really care for anything else thereafter.” Ernest Hemingway wrote that. I’m sure the Predator would agree.

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