Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Forward Unto Dawn

Jamie Chung Brings Sorority Row to My Guilty Pleasure

Per Matt How would you react if a sexy, stupid prank went horribly, horribly wrong? I had long forgotten the first time watching Sorority Row as a Redbox rental several years ago, but as soon as I started rewatching it… Continue Reading →

Gearing Up for Halo, the TV Series

I still remember when Halo 2 came out. I was working at EB Games at the time and we had a midnight launch for the title. I had played Halo with many of my friends, at many of their houses…. Continue Reading →

Halo: Nightfall

Per Matt Microsoft Studios seems to be serious about filming quality entertainment for the video-game crowd.

Halo 4

Per Matt While Master Chief hopes to Finish the Fight, 343 Industries (and as an extension, Microsoft) has different plans…

Redbox Rental: Halo 4 – Forward Unto Dawn

I’ve played the majority of the Halo games, from Halo: Combat Evolved through Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary (minus Halo Wars), and I’m already hyped to play Halo 4. I’d seen some of the pre-release vignettes and they sparked my interest…. Continue Reading →

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