Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag graphic novels

Venom is a Horror

Per Matt Not a film within the horror genre, but simply a horror: An intense feeling of fear, shock or disgust (mostly the latter). And not in a good way, either.

The Gifted Delivers Intriguing New (Mutants) Scenarios

It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day for The Gifted. More than just a baby was delivered in the second season premiere of the TV show.

Once Again, Preacher Defies Definition as a TV Show

Jesse just wants his soul back. Tulip just wants to escape Gran’ma. Cass just wants to be with Tulip. A cult of wannabe vampires just wants everlasting life. Herr Starr just wants Jesse as his Messiah for a new world…. Continue Reading →

The Hunting of Man

“Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man and those who have hunted armed men long enough and like it, never really care for anything else thereafter.” Ernest Hemingway wrote that. I’m sure the Predator would agree.

Fireteam Raven Takes Halo Out of the Home Console

Per Matt Fans of sci-fi shooters, rejoice! For the first time ever, there’s a Halo video game available to play within a fully immersible arcade pod that includes a 130-inch panoramic 4K screen with 5.1 surround sound. The dimensions are… Continue Reading →

Aquaman: Diving Deep Into the Story

Unless you’d told me that James Cameron was really making the movie from Entourage Season 3, I never thought I would be this excited to see an Aquaman movie. The hero has often been the butt of jokes in shows… Continue Reading →

Previewing Season 9 of The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead prepares for major changes with the upcoming Season 9 as new characters arrive, firmly established characters leave… and there’s also horseback rides involved!

The Fantastic Four Return to the Marvel Comic Universe

The Fantastic Four is back! Well, not entirely, but Marvel’s new Fantastic Four comic book heralds the return of the World’s Greatest Comics Magazine’s monthly adventures, and it packs the feels with every page.

Killer Storms Ravage Fear The Walking Dead

A storm’s a brewing on Fear The Walking Dead and it’s not just the developing storyline in Season 4.

Cloak & Dagger S1 Wraps Well, But Weaker Than Debut

Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger started off strong, with mixed reviews in fandom circles. Inexplicably unpleasable geeks trashed it in substance and style, while others (including me) celebrated its many positive aspects. It is hard, however, to agree that the finale… Continue Reading →

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