Per Matt Building the framework to a computer game doesn’t happen overnight, just ask Tyler Drinkard, who is currently working on SpaceVenture, by the Guys From Andromeda. Working with the Guys has been a life-long goal for Tyler, who grew… Continue Reading →
Per Matt Ain’t no party like a Geek party!
Per Matt For each convention I attend, I never know what to expect. But year in and year out, Dragon Con continually exceeds my expectations!
Per Matt Chris Pope (also known as The SpacePope) recently made a brief appearance at the Alabama Phoenix Festival to promote the upcoming game, SpaceVenture. As a co-founder of Guys From Andromeda LLC, Chris is hard at work, getting the… Continue Reading →
Per Matt I was a little unsure what to expect from the Alabama Phoenix Festival since I’d never attended this convention before (or any other convention in Alabama, for that matter). Thankfully, it was an amazing convention with a lot… Continue Reading →
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Guys From Andromeda Interview: Chris Pope
Per Matt The Space Pope has been keeping busy, while taking a SpaceVenture.