The Walking Dead returned for Season 9 with the much-publicized final six episodes of Rick Grimes (along with Maggie Rhee’s last six episodes, as well), as both actors have decided to end their runs with the show.
Season 4 of Fear The Walking Dead was all about second chances. Second chances for these characters to make up for events that happened in the past, but more importantly, it’s a second chance for the series to lure fans… Continue Reading →
The Walking Dead prepares for major changes with the upcoming Season 9 as new characters arrive, firmly established characters leave… and there’s also horseback rides involved!
A storm’s a brewing on Fear The Walking Dead and it’s not just the developing storyline in Season 4.
Obviously, there’s no loyalty during the Zombie Apocalypse! In Texas, everything’s bigger. Including the double-crosses. And the midseason finale of Fear The Walking Dead proves that everyone is expendable… including the main characters.
With the official announcement that Zombieland 2 has gotten the greenlight, we’re wondering if Director Ruben Fleischer will write all-new rules for horror sequels? Or will he merely prove 10 years later, that all sequels suck?
After the All Out War ended on The Walking Dead, Survival Sunday continued with the season premiere of Fear… this time with a crossover storyline.
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