With the official announcement that Zombieland 2 has gotten the greenlight, we’re wondering if Director Ruben Fleischer will write all-new rules for horror sequels? Or will he merely prove 10 years later, that all sequels suck?

Throughout the years, there have been too many rumors of a Zombieland sequel. There was even a TV pilot that was adapted from the film, but we’ve basically already forgotten about that one. Released in 2009, the original movie became a surprise hit for the undead genre. The horror-comedy film proved that you could still live a fulfilling life during the Zombie Apocalypse. It didn’t hurt that Woody Harrelson made the whole adventure fun. I’ll never look at Twinkies the same way (or Sno Balls, either, for that matter).

The original film is beloved by fans. Jesse Eisenberg was perfectly cast as the fidgety lead character. Bill Murray stole the entire show with his cameo. And it might have been the moment that led to Emma Stone’s eventual Oscar nomination and award (That’s our belief and we’re sticking to it!). Screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick totally erased the memory of creating that Amazon pilot, eventually moving onto penning more big-screen mayhem in Deadpool and Deadpool 2. Ruben Fleischer most recently wrapped production of the Marvel Comics-inspired Venom standalone movie. So, it’s a perfect time to reunite the entire cast and crew.

Thankfully, all of the original filmmakers will return in hopes of creating an incredible film worthy of the title. Or the film will feel incredibly outdated, appearing 10 years after the first movie and will only make fans long for the original. We’ll have to find out, once it’s released. Until then, here’s a few rumors that have not yet been confirmed (or denied) by anyone officially involved with the upcoming film:

In a Splash Report exclusive, “Ludens” has supposedly read the script (or one version of it).

  • The title is officially Zombieland, Too (or is it?).
  • Tallahassee gets romantic this time around. But will she be interested?
  • All the Zombies from the first movie are gone. They’re replaced with Super Zombies.
  • There’s another celebrity cameo this time around and the character’s dialogue is repetitive.
  • Will Bill Murray actually return from the dead? In a Zombie movie? Most likely, not. But it’s fun to speculate.

What we’d like to see in the new movie:

  • How many more survival rules will be created?
  • A further exploration of the already-established characters.
  • Will Emma Stone’s Wichita become even more of a bad ass?
  • Will the viewer feel the need to return to this Zombie Apocalypse, as opposed to all the others?
  • PLEASE include more than just a throwaway line about the cause of infection. The narrative needs a meaty backstory.

Who knows what will actually happen in the upcoming movie. As far as we’re concerned, the script is still getting rewritten. It is scheduled to be filmed at the beginning of 2019 and will be released in October, celebrating the original film’s 10-year anniversary. But Hollywood productions have a fluidity that are seemingly always changing. Nothing’s written in stone, yet.

We’re hopeful… and hopefully Sony will once again release a hit film that produces a box office four times its original budget.

Bring on all of those Super Zombies!