Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Jingle All the Way

Santa’s Slay is the Perfect Holiday Horror Flick

Tis the season to be jolly. Time to take some time off work and spend time with those you love. And during this time, we sit around the TV, watching classic films like It’s A Wonderful Life, Miracle of 34th… Continue Reading →

Watching Christmas-Adjacent Movies

Die Hard, Lethal Weapon and Gremlins are three movies that immediately come to mind when I think of movies that take place during Christmastime, but are not Christmas movies. So, what are some Christmas-adjacent movies you could watch this December?

Geek Goddess Interview: Bambi Buttons

Per Matt She’s Lum Invader! She’s Pinkie Pie! She’s a Geek Goddess!

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