Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Lance Reddick

John Wick: Chapter 4 Brings the Adrenaline of a Nonstop Video Game

The action movie scene has been hot over the past few years. Be it Bad Boys for Life, Birds of Prey or even a multitude of MCU movies, finding some fun thrills at your local theater or streaming service of… Continue Reading →

Big Monsters Make Big Bucks: Godzilla vs. Kong Smashes The COVID Box Office Ceiling

The COVID pandemic has destroyed the massive profits that Hollywood has raked in over the past decade. Looking back at 2019, the domestic box office for just the Top 100 films of the year panned out to just under $10… Continue Reading →

Angel Has Fallen Brings Some Sizzle To Summer 2019

Let’s face facts: Most people love a good summer action film. There is something about explosions, guns and violence that just screams “American Summer.” Hollywood knows it. Hell, they invented it. And we eat it up.

John Wick 2: A Symphony of Carnage

I have to wonder at this point… why does anyone bother to start trouble with John Wick? It’s as if the people who live in John Wick’s world enjoy playing with fire.

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