Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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American Horror Story: Double Feature Brings Vamps “By the Sea” in Red Tide

Vampires never really receive full credit as characters. Sure, at one point in time, they used to be human beings who had feelings. But after a hideous transformation, they’ve become bloodsucking killers with one-track minds. The Twilight franchise proved that… Continue Reading →

Stan Lee’s Origin Story is Revealed in Mutants, Monsters & Marvels

Lazy Sundays aren’t solely reserved for The Lonely Island. They’re the perfect time to clean out your DVR with programming you’ve really wanted to watch, but never actually made time for. So, while sipping on my Sunday morning coffee, I… Continue Reading →

Demons, Dead Animals and Rock ‘n’ Roll Royalty at the Nashville Film Festival

Per Matt My second day at the 2019 Nashville Film Festival was a doozy. Not only did I make up for lost time, having missed two-and-a-half days of films, but I had to work from a screening schedule that was… Continue Reading →

Filmation Interview: Robert Lamb

Per Matt By the power of Grayskull, Robert Lamb has the power!

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