I am a huge Bruce Campbell fan. He has that whole antihero swagger down to a tee. I’ll watch ol’ Bruce in almost anything. So, yes, I watched Ash vs. Evil Dead and I enjoyed the show. However, I was… Continue Reading →
Evil Dead: The Musical has become, hands down, my favorite musical performance over the last few years. I’ve been fortunate enough to experience this incredible show three of the last four years and it just keeps getting better every freaking… Continue Reading →
I’ve been a Deadite since I was 12. A Deadite, for those unfamiliar with The Evil Dead series, is a fan. It’s sort of like being a Juggalo, but without the social stigma or being on an FBI watch list.
When we last left our fearless threesome (Ash, Kelly and Pablo), Ruby (mother of demons) had gained control of the Necronomicon and Pablo gave birth to her children out of his mouth. Demon children.
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