Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag local businesses

The Ghosts of Flight 401 Take Flight

Per Matt Since the spooky season has already begun, I’ve got to make up for the lost time. Shock Docs: Ghosts of Flight 401 is My Guilty Pleasure!

The Craft Brewers Conference Poured into Music City

Per Matt For only the second time, ever, Nashville, Tennessee hosted the Craft Brewers Conference and BrewExpo America trade show. From May 8th to the 10th, thousands of brewers and brewing industry representatives poured into Music City, bringing an energy… Continue Reading →

Jazz Fest: A New Orleans Story is a Love Letter to Louisiana

Per Matt Jazz music can be rock and roll, but it can also include rhythm and blues, funk, gospel and soul. Jazz is all of this and more. As a style, it is all encompassing. Originating within the United States,… Continue Reading →

Monsters are Everywhere in the Korean TV Series, Sweet Home

As a haunter, I have always been intrigued with horror. I mean, you kinda have to be, in this business. Scary things are just what we do. Immersion is the name of the game for all haunt owners. You have… Continue Reading →

Previewing the Nashville Beer Festival

Per Matt This weekend, the fourth-annual Nashville Beer Festival will be moving into East Nashville to celebrate craft beer and community. On Saturday, September 20th, from noon to 6 pm, the Nashville Beer Festival will be taking place at East… Continue Reading →

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