Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag microbreweries

Beer with a Brewmaster: Rich Kilcullen

Per Matt Whenever sour beers are mentioned, a certain funk comes to mind that’s all the rage in the craft-beer culture these days. Living in the South, one of the most well-known producers of sour beers is Wicked Weed Brewing…. Continue Reading →

Previewing the Nashville Beer Festival

Per Matt This weekend, the fourth-annual Nashville Beer Festival will be moving into East Nashville to celebrate craft beer and community. On Saturday, September 20th, from noon to 6 pm, the Nashville Beer Festival will be taking place at East… Continue Reading →

Previewing the Taste of Tennessee Festivals

Per Matt This year, the Tennessee State Fair will be highlighting local craft beer and artisan spirits in two separate festivals. On Friday, September 5th, The Taste of Tennessee will be featuring the Craft Brewers Festival and on Saturday, September… Continue Reading →

Previewing the Heroes Brew Craft Beer Festival

Per Matt Combining craft beer and superhero costumes, Heroes Brew Craft Beer Festival is the perfect destination for a cold drink during San Diego Comic-Con, while supporting a good cause.

The Science of Beer

Per Matt Mixing alcohol and excitement with some education proved to be a winning combination at the Adventure Science Center.

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