Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Marco Ortega Previews the Black is Beautiful Documentary at CBC

Per Matt Overall, the film industry doesn’t seem to have a whole lot in common with the brewing industry, but when certain topics can bring these two forces together, working for a common goal to improve life as we know… Continue Reading →

Chris Hardwick Has Something to Talk About

In between seasons of The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead, AMC is Talking With Chris Hardwick.

The Slashening is a Killer Genre Parody

The Slashening is another raunchy and boisterous take on a horror subgenre from Troma Entertainment. The story follows five young women during a night get-together who are in peril of being slashed by a masked assailant. The plot seems like… Continue Reading →

GMX Interview: Raymond Smotherman

Per Matt The geeks have spoken! With the Geek Media Expo fast approaching (taking place on October 24 to 26), we interviewed Raymond Smotherman to preview the convention, discuss the Nashville geek scene and discover what influenced the creation of… Continue Reading →

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