Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Monsoon

BattleBots Better Bring Back the Bot Whisperer!

Per Matt BattleBots‘ road to World Championship VII was a brutal one, fanning flames of destruction throughout the year while drivers fine-tuned their robots for the final tournament, but something felt a little off that I couldn’t quite figure out… Continue Reading →

COVID Complications Can’t Close BattleBots

Per Matt When the global pandemic was first spreading like wildfire earlier this year, I knew the entertainment industry would soon face some drastic changes. Little did I realize consuming overpriced popcorn and watered-down Cokes at movie theaters would be… Continue Reading →

BattleBots Builds Biggest Season Ever

It’s robot fighting time as 67 competing robots representing nine different countries face off in the largest field of competitors ever for BattleBots!

BattleBots Takes a Bite (Force) Out of Its Competition

Now that Thanksgiving has passed and I had a chance to clean out the ole DVR, I had a moment to reflect on the past season of BattleBots and give thanks.

BattleBots is Bringin’ it Back to a Couple of New Channels

Somehow, I never got the memo. Nobody told me that BattleBots was back… and this year, the robot combat sport is bringin’ it to a pair of new channels. Naturally, I missed the season premiere and the second episode (“It’s… Continue Reading →

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