Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag must-see films

Everything Everywhere All at Once Puts a New Spin on the Multiverse

The Marvel Cinematic Universe may not be the first film franchise to use the idea of multiple universes or timelines, but it has seemingly cornered the market. Before the MCU, we had a spattering of films that loosely dealt with… Continue Reading →

Antlers is a Horror Movie with Heart

The word, “cryptid,” was one I had not heard much before. Honestly, I always thought it was a word to describe things like Zombies, vampires, wraiths and other deceased-based monsters. The reason is simple: Cryptid has the word “crypt” in… Continue Reading →

What’s in Store for AMC’s FearFest?

Each year, I patiently await October’s arrival for multiple reasons and this year, I was especially curious to see what AMC’s FearFest had in store for fans in the mood for some Halloween scares.

The Definitive List of Must-See Horror Films For Halloween 2019

Tis the season to be scary…MWHAHAHAHAA HA HA HA HAAAAAAA!

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