Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag National Geographic documentaries

What Happens When Nat Geo Examines UFOs?

For most of my life, National Geographic has been synonymous with picturesque far-away lands (sometimes featuring topless natives). Growing up, my family had a subscription that lasted for years. Every month we received that little, yellow-bordered magazine in the mail… Continue Reading →

Fire of Love Burns with Intensity

Per Matt There’s obvious symbolism in play when depicting a romantic relationship alongside volcanos. For one thing, these ruptures of Earth’s crust are some of the most powerful and unpredictable forces of nature on the whole planet. Same with relationships…. Continue Reading →

Expedition Bigfoot: Hunting a Cryptid

What does it mean to hunt for a cryptid? By its definition alone, this is an animal whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated. So, how, exactly, can you judge a series that successfully tracks one?

Nat Geo’s First Week of SharkFest Has Bigger Fish to Fry

Per Matt July means different things to different people. There’s Independence Day, naturally. Living in the South, a lot of hot days with high humidity are expected. It’s also my birthday month (My sister was also born on my fourth… Continue Reading →

Nat Geo’s SharkFest Bites!

Hunt. Kill. Eat or be eaten. What’s a summer without sharks? Since many movie theaters are currently closed to the general public (yet there’s still no sequel to The Meg) and my main source of entertainment being basic cable (not… Continue Reading →

Star Wars Interview: Tom Kane

Per Matt Within the Star Wars Universe, you may recognize the voice of Tom Kane being spoken by many different characters. You may also hear him voicing in a various assortment of projects, from movie trailers, commercials, National Geographic documentaries… Continue Reading →

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