Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag outside forces

Dark Nuns Prepare for Pressing Possessions

Back in high school, there was this one teacher who had a habit of giving pop quizzes that weren’t just difficult, they were downright unfair. One day, a friend of mine (who will remain nameless) — who was barely passing… Continue Reading →

The Prosecutor Blends Intrigue, Drama and Pulse-Pounding Action

We have all done stuff when we were kids that we regret. When I was 8 years old, I was accused of stealing the last chocolate-chip cookie from the jar. The cookie in question, mind you, was the crown jewel… Continue Reading →

Sleep is Rare in This South Korean Thriller

Sleep has become something I truly cherish in these past few years as a new mother. One thing they don’t tell you about having a newborn is the anxiety that can set in as the sun begins to go down…. Continue Reading →

M. Night Lays a Trap for Cinephiles

I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with M. Night Shyamalan’s movies. On one hand, his talent for crafting suspenseful atmospheres with surprising twists keeps me intrigued and coming back, hopeful for another masterpiece like The Sixth Sense or Unbreakable. But… Continue Reading →

A24’s Heretic: A Wickedly Clever Sermon from Heaven or Hell?

The year 2024 has emerged as a significant period for religious horror. Notable films such as Immaculate and The First Omen exhibit several parallels, particularly in their explorations of a familiar narrative: the impending arrival of the Antichrist. As a… Continue Reading →

Free LSD Offers Punk Music and E.D. Drugs to Save the World!

As a life-long fan of big-screen science fiction, I’ve seen my fill of heady topics, but never have I seen one connecting erectile dysfunction and the fate of the known world, but here we are. I mean, there’s dire straits…… Continue Reading →

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