Let’s pretend that the first Terminator movie had a baby with the original Robocop movie. What you would get would be Upgrade. It’s a thrilling horror-action film that doesn’t let up for a minute. There is no political agenda to… Continue Reading →
Attention Nashville horror fans: This week, Blumhouse Productions is offering free passes to attend a promotional screening of a soon-to-be-released film. Upgrade is the hyper-violent vision of the future from the producers of Get Out and The Purge and the… Continue Reading →
So, a priest, a 9-year-old and a Ouija board walk into a bar… and basically, that sums up the second installment of Ouija. I actually really enjoyed the film. It was a great improvement from the original. It was definitely… Continue Reading →
I’m always hesitant whenever a film franchise that I actually enjoy (which is rare enough) swaps out directors in subsequent installments. Sadly, the path of those future movies (as well as their overall quality) always seem to be going down… Continue Reading →
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Get Out: Fast-Paced, Fun Horror
I went to catch the much-talked-about and anticipated Get Out this weekend. I picked a 5 p.m. showing thinking that would be a great time to be able to have much of the theater to myself, so I could take notes… Continue Reading →