Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag psychiatric hospital

A King Like Me Offers a Beacon of Hope at the 55th Nashville Film Festival

It’s late summer here in Nashville, Tennessee, and that brings a few things to mind. It’s the final stretch for enjoying a summer getaway. It also means the little one is back in school, taking steps toward greater independence from… Continue Reading →

Wonder Woman and Harley Quinn Are the Future of the DC Universe

Per Matt It should surprise no one that the DC Extended Universe appears in need of some assistance. Ever since Christopher Reeve donned the blue-and-red tights in 1978 (rest in peace to the influential actor), big-screen success for the comic-book… Continue Reading →

No Electronics and No Sleep Haunt the Netflix Flick, Awake

Per Matt Years ago, I had a sleep disorder. I’ve always been a light sleeper, but at one point insomnia was a regular part of my life. That was definitely a difficult time for me, but with some lifestyle changes,… Continue Reading →

Making a Life-or-Death Decision: Play or Die!

Per Matt Gamers have gotten a bad rap throughout the years via feature films (and through a variety of TV shows). It takes all kinds of people to make up any sort of generic category, and I contend that you’ll… Continue Reading →

Legion Embraces Its Final Chapter

Series Finales can be tricky things. Fans expect to have all their questions regarding their favorite TV shows answered and each of their favorite characters neatly wrapped up within a limited amount of time, while filmmakers, at times, simply use… Continue Reading →

Legion and the History of Madness

What then is this fascination which now operates through the images of madness?   – Michel Foucault, “Madness and Civilization”

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