Welcome to the 2024 Lana Del Fear Awards! These awards are not your typical accolades; they are a carefully curated selection of films designed to entice you to explore cinematic treasures you may have missed. My selections will provide a… Continue Reading →
We are currently in the midst of the awards season, and this year, I’ve set a goal to watch all the films nominated for Best Picture. Although we will find out the Oscar nominees closer to February 2025, there is… Continue Reading →
Per Matt Independence Day conjures a variety of images in my mind. You’ve got your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. You’ve got food grilling and a variety of summer dishes to eat, while staying out… Continue Reading →
Per Matt Robert Ripley’s rags-to-riches journey becoming one of America’s first media celebrities is almost as bizarre as some of his unusual (but truthful) cartoons.