Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag red herrings

Peter Sarsgaard’s Loss is Our Gain in Memory

Dementia has been a persistent presence in my family for several years. The journey began with my father in the late 2000s, culminating in his passing in 2011. Currently, I confront the daily challenges of witnessing my mother gradually succumb… Continue Reading →

Five Nights at Freddy’s is a Mild Thrill Ride

I only have a passing familiarity with the Five Nights at Freddy’s franchise. When the game was initially released in August 2014, my then-wife was in the final stages of her pregnancy with our daughter, and the same week I… Continue Reading →

A Spy Among Friends Celebrates the Intelligence Community

Per Matt Growing up, Spy vs. Spy was one of my favorite features of MAD magazine. Back in the day, I loved the wily White Spy and the bad-ass Black Spy. Each one seemed to be more familiar with their… Continue Reading →

Look Out! Vincent Price Brings a Macabre Mystery to The Bat!

Per Matt Vincent Price. Those two simple words conjure up some of the spookiest, most horrific memories of watching memorable movies throughout my life. I have a deep love for the macabre and this actor absolutely symbolized everything that I… Continue Reading →

Finch: A Post-Apocalyptic Tale of a Man, His Dog and His Robots

Per Matt Never work with children or animals… apparently Tom Hanks didn’t receive the classic Hollywood memo, and the audience is better off because of it. Hanks’ latest movie, featuring a scene-stealing dog and a child-like humanoid robot, was originally… Continue Reading →

Looks Can Be Deceiving for Last Night in Soho

Per Matt What happens when you combine a time-travel tale with a noir ghost story, all wrapped as a love letter to the Swinging Sixties? You get Last Night in Soho, which never truly finds solid footing from any of… Continue Reading →

Cancelling Manifest Won’t Keep a Bad Conspiracy Down for Long

Per Matt Maybe we, as an audience, are being tested, much like the characters of Manifest. How many tall tales and zany conspiracy theories can we tolerate, along with so many slow-to-develop storyline resolutions with poorly written characters? Time travel,… Continue Reading →

Manifest Finally Addresses Fan Service

Fan Service. Hidden deep within the dark halls of Hollywood’s major production studios are writers who prefer not to directly address the elephant in the room. It’s what keeps fandoms up at night, molding conspiracy theories around their favorite themes,… Continue Reading →

Tenet Thinks It’s a Smart Sci-Fi Flick

Per Matt After deciding to have a Redbox night, I had a rare moment of certainty: I was finally gonna watch Tenet! I’ve been wanting to see what all the commotion was about regarding this film, for a while now…. Continue Reading →

Holiday Horror Gets Isolated in The Lodge

Per Matt When you think of a stereotypical horror movie, what kind of setting immediately pops into your mind? Is it a haunted house? A high school, perhaps? What about a summer camp? What if Purgatory was a snowy cabin… Continue Reading →

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