Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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The Devil’s Bath Rinses Off Misleading Intentions

Cheesy horror movie titles, especially ones that I remember from the ’70s and ’80s, are a special breed, reflecting the era’s enthusiasm for over-the-top thrills, gore and campy storylines. Titles like Chopping Mall, Slumber Party Massacre and Killer Klowns from Outer… Continue Reading →

Preventing the End of the World Via The Lazarus Project

The end of the world is kind of a big deal. There are numerous threats to humanity which can be named, but the biggest one seems to be the human race, itself. Sure, there might be dramatic climate change, disagreements… Continue Reading →

Reenlisting The A-Team, MeTV is On the Jazz!

Per Matt “I love it when a plan comes together.” Those eight words epitomize one of television’s biggest pop-culture sensations during the ’80s. Beginning in 1983, I was introduced to my very first antiheroes and for five seasons, I never… Continue Reading →

Only The Simpsons Can Reveal True Holiday Nightmares

After 31 seasons, The Simpsons keeps on going, or the animated comedy just won’t stop and simply go away… quietly. Regardless, I’ve been a fan of the show for many, many years, dating back to The Tracey Ulman Show. If… Continue Reading →

Watching The Twilight Zone Marathon As If It’s the End of the World

It’s New Year’s Eve and on this morning, through the next 48 hours, I’m binge watching a TV show that has been cancelled for 53 years (before its multiple revivals and movie adaptations). I’ve seen every episode multiple times via syndication…. Continue Reading →

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