Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Ron Howard

Solo: A Long Time Ago and A Helluva Lot Of Fun

It’s here! The Falcon has landed. Solo: A Star Wars Story jumps out of hyperspace and into theaters this weekend, and audiences finally get to decide for themselves if this latest non-saga film passes muster. We got an early look… Continue Reading →

Watching The Twilight Zone Marathon As If It’s the End of the World

It’s New Year’s Eve and on this morning, through the next 48 hours, I’m binge watching a TV show that has been cancelled for 53 years (before its multiple revivals and movie adaptations). I’ve seen every episode multiple times via syndication…. Continue Reading →

Reshoots, Rewrites and Reboots of a Galaxy Far, Far Away…

With multiple directors’ chairs rotating (as well as different screenwriters checking out) within the cinematic Star Wars Universe, what, exactly, is going on with Lucasfilm?

The Dark Tower is a Fun, Family Friendly Journey

So, I’m finally telling you guys what I thought about The Dark Tower. I know the critics have mostly panned it. I know fans are angry… but seriously, it is a pretty good film.

Mars Orbits Being an Outer-Space Soap Opera

“Space is defined by the strange relationship between failure, risk and innovation.” That self-describing quote is the basis for the global event series, Mars, which airs on the National Geographic Channel.

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