Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Ryan Coogler

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Tries To Do Too Much

I was like most movie fans when I heard of Chadwick Boseman’s passing. I honestly had no idea he was dealing with any issues, much less something that would ultimately take him from this plane of existence so suddenly. He… Continue Reading →

My Guilty Pleasure Crowns Creed II the Champion

Per Matt Ah, the ’80s — the decade when Sylvester Stallone ruled movie theaters with interchangeable Rocky Balboa and Rambo flicks, scattered with something random and unexpected (Tango & Cash, Over the Top). Later parlaying that box-office success into a… Continue Reading →

Black Panther’s Infinity Timeline

Superhero fans can finally celebrate the official introduction of Thanos into the Marvel Cinematic Universe this week as the character hits the big screen in Avengers: Infinity War, appearing in more than just a post-credits scene. But before we approach… Continue Reading →

Black Panther Refers to a Black Panther — Somehow People Are Offended

If there were an international ranking for time spent being offended about things, the U.S. would lead with about the same margin we have on our defense spending.

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