Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag scavenge

Amazon’s Fallout Series is Utterly Irresistible

There’s something utterly irresistible about the Fallout video game series that keeps me hooked like a Nuka-Cola addict in the wasteland. It’s like stepping into a time machine that’s gone haywire, hurling me into a future that’s both bizarrely ’50s… Continue Reading →

What’s the End Game for TWD: Dead City?

Per Matt As soon as I started watching the Dead City series premiere, I wondered aloud, “How much Negan is too much Negan?” We’re about to find out.

Fear of Returning to The Walking Dead Franchise

Per Matt There’s no escaping the end of the world, whether it’s on the mothership, a spinoff or in the sister series. After last year’s season finale (Fear Dropped the Bomb on The Walking Dead), there was plenty of fallout…. Continue Reading →

Just Avoid This Game. You’ll Survive.

Maybe I’m an old-school gamer, but I remember when video games used to be fun and were also released only once they were finished. Just Survive is dead as a game and should be avoided like the Zombie plague.

What Happened to The Walking Dead?

The Walking Dead has experienced a roller coaster of highs and lows in its storyline throughout 2016. Daryl has joined the Saviors. Carl has become Negan’s apprentice. Maggie, Sasha and Enid areĀ up on Hilltop. Eugene is making bullets. Carol and… Continue Reading →

What’s for Dinner When the World Ends?

When the world is running down, how will you fend for yourself? Will you starve to death or will your years of preparation finally pay off? The Art of Eating Through the Zombie Apocalypse offers not only easy-to-follow food-preparation recipes… Continue Reading →

The Walking Dead Interview: Alex Wayne

Per Matt You may not recognize him without his makeup, but Alex Wayne played a pivotal role in Season Three of The Walking Dead: He played the Zombie who put Lori out of her misery! At the Alabama Phoenix Festival,… Continue Reading →

Star Wars: Death Troopers

Star Wars plus Zombies? I’m there! Picking up Death Troopers was an easy choice. It is actually my gateway into the Star Wars Extended Universe — one which George Lucas has approved, but has stated it isn’t necessarily canon. Although… Continue Reading →

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