Per Matt In 1957, a black-and-white cinematic cult classic was released featuring a giant, floating, megalomaniacal, sex-crazed brain from outer space. Audiences may not have crowned the indie film a blockbuster back in the day, but 65 years later, The… Continue Reading →
Per Matt Mechanical mayhem. Rock ’em sock ’em piles of mass destruction. Metallic shards and scraps flying into the air. Part science class, part reality TV show, these are just a few descriptions of what happens when hundreds of pounds… Continue Reading →
Per Matt The origins of real-life evil can be difficult to track, but defining CBS’ television series of the same name may be just as difficult.
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Film Masters Debuts a Double Bill of Cult Classics
Per Matt Less is more. That simple cultural proverb has been attributed to a variety of people throughout history, but it was absolutely taken to heart by filmmaker Ray Kellogg. Primarily known for his groundbreaking special-effects work in blockbusters during… Continue Reading →