Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag shared consciousness

Trauma Terrorizes a Pop-Music Prima Donna in Smile 2

How do you top a sleeper hit featuring the slow-burn psychological terrors of an unseen antagonist, haunting and wrecking the lives of its victims to the point that death is their only escape route? You focus your franchise on a… Continue Reading →

Technology Goes Dark and Bloody in Possessor

We live in a world that both owns and is owned by technology. Everywhere you look, tech controls so much. Think about your day, today. When you woke up, you were probably awakened by either your smartphone or smart clock…. Continue Reading →

Bob’s Burgers Writers Serve Up Deadpool 3 Script

Does a Deadpool sequel, brought to you by the primary writers of Bob’s Burgers whet your appetite for more big-screen high jinx from The Merc with a Mouth? Corporate overlord Walt Disney Pictures hopes to serve comedy fans, as well… Continue Reading →

War of the Worlds: The Perfect Pandemic Binge

Per Matt With the spread of COVID-19, immediate changes went into full effect. People changed the way they shopped. Changed the places they traveled. Changed their commutes to work. Changed their forms of entertainment. Changed the way they breathed. Basically,… Continue Reading →

Unspooling the Manifest Mystery

What’s up with all these weird callings? That’s what the characters of Manifest have been wondering aloud, and so have the show’s viewers. Unfortunately, after watching the mid season premiere this week, neither audience has gotten many answers to their questions.

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