Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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It’s What’s on the Inside That Counts for A Different Man

A24’s A Different Man is essentially the male counterpart of The Substance. Both films explore the societal pressures on individuals and how these pressures influence our actions, particularly regarding our appearances. The Substance explores America’s obsession with life-altering drugs and… Continue Reading →

When Worlds Collide

Have you ever had that moment when you feel like things are happening for a reason?

Cosplayer of the Month: Abby Dark Star

Per Matt She works in the video game industry by day and transfers her fandom into incredible cosplay creations by night. Abby Dark Star is our Cosplayer of the Month!

Attending Attractions: Death Yard Haunted Attraction

Per Matt Evil entities are afoot at the Death Yard Haunted Attraction!

Nashville Nightmare Interview: Special Effects Coordinator Rick Prince

Per Matt When it comes to special-effects wizardry, Rick Prince knows how to rock your Face Off!

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