Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag sports news

Football Feuds: Al Davis vs. The NFL

Per Matt On this, the holiest of holy days in American professional sports, it only felt natural to write up ESPN’s 30 For 30 documentary series which focused on one of the most bitter rivalries of the National Football League…. Continue Reading →

Saturdays in the South = SEC Football

Per Matt Never worship your heroes. But in the South, it’s a way of life. Tradition. Reverence. Familiarity. Pageantry. And Family. These are only a handful of elements involved with college football, which brings people together each year who might… Continue Reading →

Bowl Ads Post-Game: Winners & Losers

It’s time! Finally, at long last!

17776: A Brilliant and Thoughtful Sci-Fi Story About Football

There is something terribly wrong. The screen repeats it again, over and over. Something is terribly wrong. The black font size increases, overlapping, blocking out everything else. And then my screen faded to black. What just happened to my phone?

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