Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Star Wars Day

5-25-77 Leaves an Emotional Footprint in Geek Culture

Per Matt As a Child of the ’80s, Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope was an emotional attachment during a time of my life when my eyes (and mind) opened to a whole new world of storytelling that… Continue Reading →

Defective Clones Embrace Family Ties in The Bad Batch

Per Matt In the aftermath of Star Wars‘ latest series premiere, the galaxy has a new group of heroes… they’ve definitely got unorthodox ways, but their fight against the Galactic Empire is true. These clones share a bonding experience in… Continue Reading →

Star Wars: The Bad Batch Expands Upon The Clone Wars

Per Matt Disney absolutely owns the date, May the Fourth. Unofficially dubbed Star Wars Day, major religious and political events have happened upon this date throughout history, but fans of the films (and other related properties) have declared this the… Continue Reading →

The Lego Star Wars Holiday Special is the Life Day Miracle We Need, But Don’t Deserve

Christmas, Christmastime is here. Time to put away the horror and slasher flicks (mostly) and focus more on the family aspect of my life. After my divorce last year, I have been looking for family activities and movies for my… Continue Reading →

Nashville Geek Life Interview: Brianna Reed

Per My Brother Brianna Reed realized the need to organize the local geek community. With the creation of Nashville Geek Life, she hopes to spread the word that Nashville has many local geek-friendly events, including conventions, meet-up groups and unconferences…. Continue Reading →

Free Comic Book Day: The Walking Dead

2013 offered possibly the best Free Comic Book Day ever. And the best of the freebies was Image Comics’ The Walking Dead. As a noob to Robert Kirkman’s graphic novels, I was excited to sample some of his original source… Continue Reading →

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