Per Matt Originally titled Le Sommet des Dieux, The Summit of the Gods is a French animated film adapted from the Jirô Taniguchi manga (which was, in turn, adapted from the Baku Yumemakura novel). There’s a whole lot of translation going… Continue Reading →
Per Matt A broken-down RV in the middle of a European forest. No phone service for this group of ride-sharing tourists. An isolated cabin in the woods that is filled with creepy pictures. Hungry, blood-lusting villagers are somehow connected to… Continue Reading →
Per Matt After an alien attack practically wiped out the entire human race, the end of the world is a grim environment, full of bleak colors and endless bloodshed for the pockets of humanity still alive. Surviving this dystopian future… Continue Reading →
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Monster From Green Hell Stings of Gigantic Fears
Per Matt Wasps. I’ve had terrible luck with the insects throughout my life. While I’ve never been stung by a bee (knock on wood), I’ve been stung my many wasps, hornets and the like in different situations. (I’m usually unaware… Continue Reading →