Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Death Wish Forgets What Death Wish Actually Means

If I had one complaint about Death Wish… it would be that the film is nowhere near violent enough. It was painfully obvious that the film pandered and took the violence down a notch. That was surprising, considering the film… Continue Reading →

April Fools’ Day Prank Gives Observant Fans a Rick and Morty Surprise

Wubba lubba dub dub! 

Traveling Time After Time

The funny thing about a TV show based on time travel, that doesn’t actually leave the present day is… well, it isn’t really funny.

Waryard Pines is the Creepy Summer Series You Should Be Watching

In a world that highlights both a simple small-town, as well as a dystopian future awaiting the last shreds of humanity, Wayward Pines is a science-fiction thriller that slowly unspools a horrific mystery. It’s definitely the TV series you should… Continue Reading →

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