Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag thought provoking

17776: A Brilliant and Thoughtful Sci-Fi Story About Football

There is something terribly wrong. The screen repeats it again, over and over. Something is terribly wrong. The black font size increases, overlapping, blocking out everything else. And then my screen faded to black. What just happened to my phone?

Goldie’s Top 5 Horror Films of 2016

2016 was a mixed bag when it comes to horror films. There were tons of films that came out, for sure, but only a few that were watchable… and those few that were good were very well done.

Helter Skelter Meets Honky Holocaust

A few weeks ago, I was given a screener for one of Troma films’ newest acquired flicks: Honky Holocaust. Jumping at the opportunity to review anything from the Kaufman group, I couldn’t wait to find time to screen what would… Continue Reading →

Bitch Planet is Required Reading

I started reading Bitch Planet out of curiosity and discovered a guidebook on how to better prepare my 2-year-old daughter for real life.

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