Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag tourist trap

Wes Anderson Gets Far Out There with Asteroid City

Per Matt Just when you thought a Wes Anderson film couldn’t get filled with any more Wes Anderson-isms, the filmmaker finally releases Asteroid City! And fans of the auteur are ecstatic, if they can only interpret his work correctly.

The Top 10 Must-See Shudder Movies for Halloween

Halloween is upon us again. In years past, it has been my favorite time of year. As I worked in the haunted-attractions business for so long, it feels awkward not to be a part of one this year (I had… Continue Reading →

Medical Horrors, a Dogumentary and a Nuisance Bear: The Nashville Film Festival Roundup

Per Matt Today’s topics at the Nashville Film Festival involve a potpourri of films, including The Graveyard Shift feature, Rounding, a Canadian dialogue-less doc and a Dogumentary! But first, make sure to check out Matt’s interview with Graveyard Shift Programmer… Continue Reading →

The Deep House Dives for Underwater Terror

Per Matt Millennials and their social media these days. Just about everything they do revolves around page views and videos watched, always carefully calculating and crafting their online presence. But when you’ve got a relatively young couple looking to break… Continue Reading →

Nat Geo’s First Week of SharkFest Has Bigger Fish to Fry

Per Matt July means different things to different people. There’s Independence Day, naturally. Living in the South, a lot of hot days with high humidity are expected. It’s also my birthday month (My sister was also born on my fourth… Continue Reading →

Is Sir Noface the Paranormal Proof We Need?

I want to believe. Really, I do. The kid in me who grew up in the folklore-laden South hearing stories of the Bell Witch, Pukwudgies and all manner of other ghosts, specters, and spooks genuinely craves something indisputable to prove… Continue Reading →

Ghosts of the South in Charleston, SC

There’s a certain charm that comes from visiting the Deep South in the spring and summer. The air is thick, humid and full of the aromas of fried foods and blooming flowers. Kudzu and Spanish moss wage war with one… Continue Reading →

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