Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag tradition

Why Trick ‘r Treat is My Halloween Must-See Film

The powers that be, here at Zombies in My Blog, asked me to do a piece this Halloween season about my favorite horror movie. As every horror movie junkie knows, that’s like asking me who is my favorite child. It’s… Continue Reading →

Monster Mountain: The Peak of Terror in Tennessee

Oh, October. How I have missed you! In my world, haunting and horror is a year-round passion. There is something special about this time of year. Trees start changing color. There is a chill in the air. And all the… Continue Reading →

Junk Bonds Proves the Family That Severs Parts, Never Parts

Sometimes, I think my life is a series of B-movies. Looking back at my work, here, on Zombies In My Blog, the vast majority of posts have been purely reviewing low-budget, independent films of the horror genre. You might think… Continue Reading →

A Christmas Story Presented by Nashville Repertory Theatre

Per Matt You may remember the major award, Aunt Clara’s ridiculous Christmas present, the schoolyard bully with yellow eyes, the unique Christmas meal and the triple-dog dare, but seeing it all, come to life on stage is an incredible experience… Continue Reading →

Happy Hallow-Thanksgiving To All

Happy Thanksgiving! Yours truly is celebrating the day with family and friends, eating turkey and watching the 2015 edition of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. This parade has been a stable of my “Turkey Day” since I was a wee… Continue Reading →

Doc of the Dead

Doc of the Dead explores the Zombie genre and the many prominent figures who have helped propel the undead craze to untold depths.

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