Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Cancelling Manifest Won’t Keep a Bad Conspiracy Down for Long

Per Matt Maybe we, as an audience, are being tested, much like the characters of Manifest. How many tall tales and zany conspiracy theories can we tolerate, along with so many slow-to-develop storyline resolutions with poorly written characters? Time travel,… Continue Reading →

Unspooling the Manifest Mystery

What’s up with all these weird callings? That’s what the characters of Manifest have been wondering aloud, and so have the show’s viewers. Unfortunately, after watching the mid season premiere this week, neither audience has gotten many answers to their questions.


Per Matt Sicario translates as a “hitman” in Spanish. In the Lionsgate movie of the same name, it takes a certain type of personality to tackle the war on drugs near the Mexico-U.S. border, one which meshes perfectly with the… Continue Reading →

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