Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag William B. Davis

Bad Times at the El Royale

Four guests arrive at a motel with a unique gimmick. Each guest is not what they seem. There’s a thunderstorm and their cars won’t start. People start dying… If this premise sounds like your brand of thrilling mystery, you might… Continue Reading →

The X-Files: The Truth is Out There… and it is Disappointing!

I’ve waited almost 20 years for closure from The X-Files. Since 1993, I’ve watched Mulder and Scully investigate the darkest and most unbelievable supernatural phenomena, while plumbing the depths of conspiracy theory insanity to find “the truth.” After all the… Continue Reading →

Government Revelation Gives Proof That The Truth is Out There?

With the publication of The New York Time‘s bombshell report of a secret Pentagon UFO program, The X-Files is quickly transitioning from science fiction to science fact.

Will Season 11 of The X-Files be Worth the Wait?

For many years, X-Philes wondered if they would ever see another conspiracy investigated by Agents Mulder and Scully after The X-Files was originally cancelled. They looked back with nostalgic fondness and wondered, “What if…”

Death Note: A Film Worth Writing About

Let me start out by saying I have never read the source material for Death Note. When I saw the trailer early this spring, I was immediately interested. I am in no way a fan of anime, so subtle changes… Continue Reading →

I Want to Believe The X-Files Will Return to Greatness

Long before The Walking Dead attacked basic cable ratings. Long before the Marvel Cinematic Universe made superheroes super fun. And long before LOST‘s flashbacks, flash forwards and sideways storytelling, sci-fi was complicated and cool. The X-Files made conspiracies, science fiction and… Continue Reading →

Remembering The X-Files

Per Matt Very rarely — if ever — a TV show will arrive at just the right time that speaks to an entire generation. With elements of science fiction, horror, fantasy, mystery, intrigue, drama and even romance, The X-Files sparked… Continue Reading →

X Marks Its New Spot

Sometimes a Show can be a Zombie. That is to say, resurrected after death, to be judged by its droves of loyal fans. Such is the case with an old fave and standard-bearer of the supernatural genre — The X-Files. By… Continue Reading →

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